The following live blood cell analysis pictures on the left are photos of the blood before a thirty five minute aqua-chi machine foot soak. Amazingly, enough the photo on the right is the same blood 35 minutes later.
We were amazed at this live blood cell analysis work. Before the Aqua-Chi foot soak the blood was sticky, dark and clumped together and you could hardly see the plasma, but after a significant improvement could be seen by everyone. The red blood cells were rounder, energetic and more full of life. The technician said, “I don’t think could ask for a better test results”. She was very impressed as were we all.
Reporter: Dr. Trubey, Natural Medicine, Capital University of Integrative Medicine
By: Linda J Williams, RNC Date due: 19 May 2001
My interest in the AQUA-CHI MACHINE began in December 2000 when I traveled to the Alexandria Institute in Croton on Hudson, New York. I had fallen on ice in February 1992 and suffered a point fracture/avulsion of my left hip and had suffered severe pain since that time. I had heard of alternative treatment offered by the Alexandria Institute, from someone who had great success with injury treatment there and decided to give it a try. I also have a son whose medical problems have been significant and appear to be related to toxic poisoning from agricultural chemicals. One of the treatments I received at the Institute was the AQUA-CHI MACHINE. While the AQUA-CHI MACHINE treatment was not specifically for my avulsion, I was very interested in its potential for detoxification and possible implications for future treatment of my son’s toxicity. . .
1. What does the assessment device or treatment modality assess or treat? The AQUA-CHI MACHINE is a revolutionary hydrotherapy device that was developed by Henning Innovation. AQUA-CHI MACHINE enhances and amplifies the ability of the body to heal itself. The therapy takes 20-35 minutes, is done in an ordinary bathtub or footbath of water and requires no extensive training to perform. AQUA-CHI MACHINE therapy is based on the fact that all living things produce a form of organic electricity or Bio-Charge. The AQUA-CHI MACHINE produces a complex bio-charge that resonates throughout the water and is specific in frequency for each individual. No other product on the market can copy and create this type of bio-charge based on feedback from the individual. The Bio-Charge allows treatment for a wide range of conditions. Benefits of treatment by the AQUA-CHI MACHINE include detoxification, reduced recovery time, improved liver function, reduced inflammation, and improved sleeping patterns.
2. How does the device or treatment work and give emphasis to theories regarding biochemistry or physics of these if applicable? Water is the most abundant substance on earth and is the principal constituent of all living things. Since ancient times people have bathed in water from mineral springs, especially hot springs, because of its supposed therapeutic value for rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases, and various other ailments. Many such springs have become sites for health spas and resorts. For the diseased and convalescent, many spas offer medical therapy. For many people spas have been and continue to be a place of healing in a variety of ways. The benefits of naturally charged water have been known for centuries.
The AQUA-CHI MACHINE, once placed into water, is capable of generating a magnetic bio-field similar to that of a living organism. The advantage of creating a field with some of the properties compatible with life is that it can be used on a living organism with minimum disruption and significantly decrease the side effects that are all too common with things artificial. Creating a field with these properties cannot be done simply. You require something that already has some of the unique frequencies present in it. The only naturally occurring substance with this property is water. This is why the unit is designed for use in water. The water actually interacts in a special way with an electric current to produce the bio-charge. While the water is a very important part of the process, magnetic fields are needed to make it work properly. Passing electrical current between specially designed plates in water creates the magnetic fields. The resulting biocharge is the product of the water, modulated electricity, compound metal type and a complex magnetic pattern.
One of the challenges of creating a unit that is suitable for everyone is that everyone is different. Everybody has his or her own unique personal bio-signature? which means his, or her frequency is a little different from the next person. The AQUA-CHI MACHINE unit instantly adjusts to your frequency. When the treatment is finished, the unit does not retain the frequency and is, therefore, adaptable to the frequency of the next patient. It is possible because water contains the natural base frequencies that are present in your body. Not all the frequencies needed are there, but they are quite close. Water is an active substance, so when water comes into contact with something, the frequency of what it contacts is integrated into its own frequency structure and thus becomes its signature. Because you are mostly made of water, your ability to interact with it is very high. When you immerse yourself into water your frequency is instantly added to the water as a “memory” (not unlike the concept behind homeopathy and magnetically structured water).
In research conducted at the Geneva University Hospital, the medical team discovered an explanation of why the AQUA-CHI MACHINE unit aids healing and has the potential to eliminate bacteria and fungi infections. Because the AQUA-CHI MACHINE increases the potential voltage in the cell membrane, the potential of the immune system can be substantially enhanced. This effect produced by the AQUA-CHI MACHINE also aids in prevention by maintaining the effectiveness of the cellular function.
3. Where is it currently available and if an instrument is involved, what is the cost of the instrument and general cost to patients for treatment or evaluation? Currently the Aqua Chi Machine is available from Essential Planet (888) 551-6982, for $1,395.00 Maintenance of the unit involves cleaning the immersed instrument after every treatment by soaking in nontoxic cleaning solution. Patient treatment cost ranges from $25-$125 depending on the practice and geographical/economical location. In addition to compensation for in office treatments, the unit is available for home use and the practitioner can benefit from this arrangement through unit sales and through routine evaluation of patient progress.
4. What are the benefits to the integrative practitioner and how is it used in an integrative practice or your practice in particular? Provides noninvasive, painless, gentle detoxification for the patient. Pregnant women are not allowed to use the unit because each person has a unique electrical frequency and the mother and fetus will have different frequency identities. It is not recommended for use by people who have battery operated implants such as pacemakers, by people with organ transplants, or by hemophiliacs. For patients on prescription drugs, the practitioner should confer with the prescribing practitioner and, in most cases for short-term drugs, should wait until the course is finished or start with a 10 minute bath and work up, depending on how they feel. Use with patients who are on day-to-day medication will require case-by-case evaluation in consultation with the prescribing practitioner. The machine can amplify the prescription medications. Organic medicines such as herbs are not considered as chemical drugs.
5. After contacting one practitioner using the treatment or assessment tool, what are its pros and cons from their perspective, its usefulness, problems encountered and any other feedback? The practitioner is very pleased with its ease of use, minimal direct involvement during the treatment, and has encountered no negative side effects. The patients have reported increased energy and reduction in the symptoms that brought them to the practitioner for treatment. The AQUA-CHI MACHINE was seen to have a very synergistic effect with other treatment modalities performed on patients. The methodology gives patients clear visualization of their body’s toxic substance discharge, as scene in the oils and proteins around the parameters of the tub, discoloration and sedimentary deposits that occur during treatment. Using a white basin for the treatment enhances the visual effect. The AQUA-CHI Machine’s adaptable adjunctive treatment blends with many different protocols. This enables its use by a – diverse field of practitioners thereby allowing the patient to benefit from the synergy’s realized by the diverse approaches.
6. What additional training is necessary to become proficient in the use of modality or therapy and where and how can it be obtained? It is very simple to use and the accompanying instruction manual is self-explanatory. The practitioner must learn to assess the results of the treatment to fully integrate detoxification into the full range of treatment provided in the clinical program.
Disclaimer: None of this information and/or the Aqua-Chi Machine is intended to cure, treat, prevent or diagnose disease of any kind.
The Aqua-Chi Hydro Stimulation spa does not diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition; nor does it pull , push or force foreign toxins or materials from the body.
None of these statements, research or the Aqua-Chi have been evaluated by the FDA.
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